I am Nakamata Kiwami at Nakamata Ginza, a restaurant specializing in nogoguro.
We are one of the best quality restaurants in Tsushima, Benihitomi.
This day, we would like to introduce to you the recommended dishes of Benihitomi.
All dishes in this menu are prepared by Benihitomi's own cooking style.
You can experience the cooking process in front of you.
Restaurant Recommendations
Benihitomi Throat Goblin "Super Grade
Appetizer: Seasonal small bowl ripe meal
like father, like son, like daughter
Raw fish pieces: fresh sea bass flakes, seafood Pacific blue fin fish and categorized shrimps.
Salt-Soaked Throatfish
Oil Burst Dishes - Satsuma Fish Cake (Oil Burst Fish Cake) with Fresh Snapper Fish.
Hot plate: Throat blackfish hot pot with king crab and seasonal vegetables
Specialties: Throat fish gohan (rice cooked in an earthenware pot) and cod fish ink soup.
Water melon: Shizuoka musk melon
The season changes based on the number of dishes.
Ginza Nakamata Kunitachi
從Top class throat blackfish transported directly from the island to the other side of the island.
Benihitomi is a company that specializes in the production of "Benihitomi" (紅瞳).
Enjoy Japanese cuisine in an airy atmosphere.